Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday - November 3

Puppies first outing.

It was a lovely day out today, so the puppies got to go outside for the first time.  We didn't stay out too long, but had time to sniff around in the grass and do a little bit of investigating. 

New things this week:
Teeth have started popping through.  Michael Kors (Blue) was the first with teeth.  He now has quite a few, so his little bite is getting sharper.  It used to be that when you would hold the puppies up to your cheek, they would gum you.  Now, they have started licking instead. 
Tails and ears are up and down.  When the puppies are tired, their tails and ears droop down.  When they are wide awake, their tails and ears are up.

Tim Gunn (purple) showing us how to play in the water dish

Tim Gunn (purple) playing with the mouse
Mondo (orange) thinking the grass is greener on the other side


  1. Loved the video. Hope they are not having any pain with the teeth. Looks like Tim Gunn and Mondo are going to be the ones with the energy.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. They are so sweet! I loved the video of them outside! :) Heidi Klum is still my fave!

  3. They are toooo cute! I hope it gets warm again in a couple of weeks or my poor pups are going to FREEZE with out their fuzzy coats to keep them warm.
