Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunday - November 7

The puppies are just over 4 weeks old and very fluffy.  We have started taking the puppies out multiple times during the day to work on potty-ing outside.  In addition, because it was such a beautiful day, we had some outside playtime with our friends Crystal, Diane and Jeanne.  Each day I think it can't get much better then this, but the next day comes, and the puppies are even more fun. 

Nina Garcia (Limey) about to take a nap in the grass

Mondo (orange) surveying the yard

Heidi Klum (pink) eating a leaf


  1. Love the videos and pictures. Keep them coming. Ron

  2. Is the herding practice open to non-members of the Buckeye Keedhond Club. If it isn't I plan on driving up to Nova to watch Sunday. Need more pictures of the fuzzbutts. Thanks
