Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sunday, February 20

Bath time.

Seems like it's bath time all around.  Jim gave Smokee a bath.  Smokee doesn't seem to happy about it.

A not very happy boy.

Jim with his dry & fluffy Smokee.  I think Smokee is smiling in this picture

Saturday, February 19

Just got back from a mini vacation to Colorado.  While we were away, the dogs stayed with my In-laws.  Grandma and Grandpa love to spoil their grand-dogs.  Since little Heidi didn't know where to signal to go outside, she had a little song that Grandma sang to her - I'm a little pee-pot...

Before our trip, Heidi got a bath and fluffing.

Heidi - not very happy with me

Heidi after drying out and fluffed

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 8

Baby Teeth

Oh, I forgot to mention - Heidi has lost her top 2 middle baby teeth. 

Tuesday, February 8

4 Months Old Today

Heidi is 4 months old today.  Time just flies by.  We have come a long way over the past couple weeks. 

The jingle bells were taken off the door, because they just became another toy.  I think they helped with potty training for about a week.  Heidi now goes over to the door and barks (her little puppy bark) when she needs to go out.  We have only had a few accidents in the house recently, and those have mostly been upstairs. 

We have started a new set of classes at Dog Talk on reliability.  The class is very small, and tailored for each individual student.  I like that I can get away with just Heidi to work on training.  It's much harder to work on training with 2 other dogs in the house that always want in on the treat action.  We are good at sitting, standing, and shaking hands.  We're also pretty good at downs and waving a paw.  Also working on spinning in a circle and walking on a loose leash.  We can do come, but only reliably in a quite location - not so good outside yet. 

Heidi loves to jump.  She can easily jump on the couch and she can now jump into our laps when we're sitting at the dining room table.  We've started working on training for jumping into my arms - this will take some time, since she can't jump that high - yet.  When she isn't sleeping, she's a little ball of energy.  She gets the zoomies practically every day, and all you see is a blur of fur shooting past and she races through the kitchen into the living room and onto the couch.  I can't wait to get her into agility classes.

Heidi about to show her new trick - lift a paw up to wave

Heidi hanging out on the couch