Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday, March 2

Time just flies by.  It seems harder now to keep up to date and to get pictures.  Could be the number of classes in the evenings - one night Heidi has reliability, one night Moon has agility, and one night Izzy has agility.  Or, it could be that making quilted backpacks for hospitality bags for the upcoming keeshond national is just sucking up all the time. 

Congratulations to Smokee for graduating from puppy class.  Not sure how they got this photo, I doubt that Heidi would sit still with a graduation cap on her head.

Graduate Smokee with proud papa Jim


  1. Congrats Smokee! I highly doubt Tug would sit still for the Grad cap either ;)

  2. Darcy "graduates" from puppy class this Wednesday. I hope we get a good photo too.
